My Photography
I am a ‘slice of life’, natural light photographer. I am drawn to the human connection within families, friendships, and shared experiences, whether it be baking cookies, gathering to celebrate another year around the sun, or adventuring in the backcountry. There is so much true beauty in the little things as they exist in the world in the moment. I turn my lens to capture those things and how they connect us with each other….dimples on young fingers reaching for a roly poly on the ground; scuffed toes on well worn boots; the radiant smile of a woman who has been backpacking in the middle of nowhere for a week, her only burdens the pack on her back and her blistered feet. I have a deep desire to see these things and chronicle them, in their un-posed, rough around the edges, oh-so-beautiful state.

Who I Am
I still remember the first photograph I took. I was about 9 years old, and someone put a Polaroid camera in my hands. I took a picture of my brother, nose down, butt up, on a blanket, beginning the hilarious adventure of learning to crawl. As soon as the film developed and I could see my image–just as I’d wanted to capture it–I was hooked. Since then, I’ve carried cameras across the United States, to India, South America and most recently to the summit of Mt. Whitney. I’ve worked as a photographer for white water rafting companies, schools, furniture builders, musicians, clothing designers and makers of all sorts. I’ve been married to my soul mate (overused, but accurate word) for going on 21 years. We have two fantastic children. We’re all busy raising each other in Austin, TX. My family indulges my need to take photographs every day, even if it means waiting 5 more minutes for dinner while I take ‘just one more shot.’ For this I will be forever grateful.