Exercise 4 from Shooting with Soul by Alessandra Cave ~ Something You Collect
1. My growing patch collection from our hiking and camping trips
2. Fiona’s picture of a small portion of her rock collection
3. Fiona’s button pin and …
keep reading >>Exercise 4 from Shooting with Soul by Alessandra Cave ~ Something You Collect
1. My growing patch collection from our hiking and camping trips
2. Fiona’s picture of a small portion of her rock collection
3. Fiona’s button pin and …
keep reading >>Fiona and I have started our longer term project, following along with the prompts in Shooting with Soul by Alessandra Cave. Below you’ll find our Week 1 captures of ourselves and each other for the ‘Glimpses of You’ chapter. …
keep reading >>Around this time last year I attended a photography retreat/workshop out in California with a group of Shutter Sisters. While I thought I just was going to ‘refill my cup’ so to speak, and to learn some nifty new …
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